Monthly Archives: February 2019

3 Steps to Effective Sketchnoting for Business


Visual thinking is on a rise. Businesses not only use diagrams, charts and presentations to visualize data and insights but also put into use some, at first impression, less business-oriented methods such as sketchnoting. Why is it considered to be less business-oriented? The reason is that sketchnoting is a form...

Choose the Best e-Commerce Solution for Joomla Site


E-commerce today is a cut-throat competition. If you want to stay affirm and ahead of your competitors then adopting effective measures timely is the key. E-commerce websites are generally based on a particular type of content management platform say Joomla, WordPress, Magento etc. Any change or technology adoption that an...

benefits of seo

Is Using SEO Enough?


If you have produced any content within the last few years, you know how important it is to use SEO in order to get more traffic to your website and pages. On a daily basis, there are more than a billion searches carried out on the search engines, most of...