When a Truck Accident Destroys Your Car

Business Dev & Design
When a Truck Accident Destroys Your Car

Despite a significant decrease in the total number of vehicular accidents, truck-related crashes are still on an upward curve. In 2018 alone, truck accidents killed 4,136 people, with passenger cars and occupants bearing the most damage.

Road accidents involving trucks cause a lot more damage compared to collisions involving smaller cars. Their size and weight make it nearly impossible to salvage anything after a crash and in most cases, the passenger cars have to be written off. Some of the most common types of truck-related accidents that can destroy your vehicle include the following:

Wide-Turn Accidents

These accidents commonly occur at intersections where a truck driver turns without enough sight distance or clearance time.

Falling Load Accidents

This can happen when a loading company fails to secure the cargo correctly. This can cause vehicle damage either when the load strikes another vehicle or the truck loses control due to sudden weight imbalance.

Falling Load Accidents

This can happen when a loading company fails to secure the cargo correctly. This can cause vehicle damage either when the load strikes another vehicle or the truck loses control due to sudden weight imbalance.


If a truck driver brakes suddenly and without proper warning, small passenger cars can easily ram into its underside, causing untold damage to your car’s roof.

Rollover Accidents

This is where the truck crashes into or pushes other vehicles out of the road.

Rear-End Accidents

These occur from the back and your vehicle’s boot takes the most damage.

T-Bone Accidents

This happens as a side-impact crash, causing significant car damage because unlike the front and back, your car’s sides have minimal protection.

If you have been involved in a truck accident that destroyed your car, it is important to understand that this is not akin to normal car accident procedures.

What You Need to Know About Truck Accidents and Laws

Here are some of the important things to keep in mind when handling the case of a truck accident that destroyed your vehicle.

The Laws and Your Burden of Proof Are Different

In an accident involving passenger vehicles only, the claimant’s burden of proof simply requires to show that the driver was negligent in one way or another.

Truck-related accidents are similar, but your Denver truck accident lawyer has to collect additional information like the driver’s training files, inspection records, cargo examination for any overload issues, vehicle maintenance records, and inspection history.

The Case May Involve Many Parties

As we shall learn later on, truck accidents can either be caused solely by the driver or a combination of other parties like commercial truckers or even loading companies.

Prepare for an Aggressive Battle with Insurance Companies

Most truck accidents are fatal. They also cause irreversible types of property damage. Commercial trucking companies and other parties involved will likely hire top-notch and aggressive lawyers with the sole purpose of denying you the rightful compensation for your car and injuries.

Who Is Liable for Car Damages in Truck Accidents?

Truck-related accidents are more complex than cases involving smaller vehicles because many parties may be liable for a single accident.

More commonly, the crash might have resulted from the driver’s negligence such as speeding, reckless driving, intoxication, and driving past the limited number of hours. In such cases, the driver’s employment status with the trucking company will determine the compensating party.

Trucking companies can be found liable if they failed to conduct the necessary vehicle inspections as per the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) guidelines, along with the driver’s background check.

Truck and loading tools manufacturers can also be liable if the accident was caused by a faulty car part from either party. Proving such cases is complex and corporations will apply every trick in the book to dodge liability.
If the accident occurred due to lost loads and other cargo-related issues, the loading companies and individuals might be held accountable for any damages.

From this, it is evident that proving liability will be easier if you hire the legal services of a truck accident attorney.

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