Monthly Archives: January 2019

6 Challenges Faced By Ar App Developers


Augmented reality refers to the integration of user’s real environment along with the digital information. It is not like VR (virtual reality) which uses completely imaginary surrounding. AR uses the existing environment. It was first used by a scientist in 1990 and now is used by people I devices like...

How AI Can Analyse the Fraud Detection in Credit Card


Fraud detection has been a major issue for financial services and institutions. With the increase in global transactions, the chances of fraud have also increased. But artificial intelligence has an enormous potential to reduce the financial fraud. Artificial intelligence applications have a great potential to detect and prevent the fraud....

3 ways to Digitize Your Library


People spend their entire lives accumulating books in their library, so the value that those books contain is impossible to measure. However, although books are quite durable, they inevitably succumb to environmental factors and start deteriorating sooner or later. The only way to prevent the books from eventually becoming unusable...

Top 10 PHP Frameworks for Web Application Development!


PHP is the most popular server scripting language in the world. It has gone a long way from small static HTML pages, snippets, embedded into code in regards to modern the language in which most modern dynamic sites are developed. However, with the increasing complexity and functionality of modern sites,...

Is this Perfect Time to Become a VR Developer?


Virtual reality (VR) is already booming in industries such as healthcare and education with the enormous growth in gaming. The VR industry is still in its beginning and this is the reason it the perfect time to learn VR development and become htc vive developer. Businesses know that learning VR...