Top 5 Health Care Technology Innovations of 2019


Ever wondered what to expect in health care technology in 2019? If yes, then we’re on the same board– we are also wondering about that. That said, we have decided to discuss the top 5 healthcare innovations of 2019.

1. Using Disposable Batteries

There isn’t much change in how we use batteries. However, experts are trying to come up with a solution that would allow these batteries to be safer and more economical. Manufacturers nowadays use button batteries in their medical devices, and that’s why these devices are smarter and more user-friendly now.

It’s a growing trend that relies on sound design, and the use of technology to the fullest. It utilizes several techniques, including LEDs, and screens that would affect the users positively. It also comes with connectivity features to provide doctors, healthcare systems and patients essential data.

Since batteries can be quite harmful, especially if it’s not properly disposed, BlueThink discovered a way on how to create flexible cells that wouldn’t cause any reactions if it’s accidentally swallowed by a child, and best of all, it could retain its power even if it’s kept on a shelf for several months.

2. Mobile Cancer Screening

The rate of cervical cancer patients for the past few years is quite alarming, and around 90% of deaths from cervical cancer happen in low- and middle-income societies.

This can be prevented if better screening and earlier intervention would be exercised. Some companies are designing battery-powered and hand-held colposcope that could capture high-quality images of the cervix.
Additionally, machines are being developed, and these could give an accurate diagnosis in just a matter of minutes. Though, what makes these devices really ideal is the fact that they are handheld. Meaning to say, even non-expert healthcare providers can easily use it.

It’s also worth noting that since it works through smartphone technology, rest assured that it’s user-friendly and it also comes with a remote consultation feature allowing the user to connect with experts during check-ups.
With this, it won’t be necessary to ask the patients to go to the lab, and she will be able to get the results right away– no need to wait for several weeks or months.

3. Blockchain for Health

Healthcare is all about the patient, however, for the past few years, experts are trying to discover ways that would allow them to push in the patient more deeply. In fact, there has been discussion around how health professionals store our data, what’s being used to keep them, and how they’re shared.
JD Edwards is one of the companies that offer resource planning solutions, and they are aspiring to have an excellent contribution to this subject.

They want to change how people access their medical records, and they are proposing that the use of blockchain technology can make this happen– considering that it’s being used in cryptocurrency trading as well. Meaning to say, it is possible to design it in a way where patients would be able to view critical data right when it’s necessary.
This would also allow the user to give permission to doctors and will enable them to access their personal health records. Furthermore, this technology also records interactions with this essential information in an auditable, transparent, and secure way.

If properly used, it would definitely encourage patients to trust healthcare service providers even more.
Aside from that, as online consultations become more and more popular over the years, this technology is also capable of solving some security and privacy issues companies always have to deal with.

Also, disability care can support function and help people affected by disability to live independently and with dignity. Each disabled person has different challenges and needs, so there can’t be a one size fits all disability and carers service.

4. Easier Breathing

Recently, an alternative therapy solution has been discovered. It utilizes energized oxygen that’s safe for the body, and it’s capable of restoring itself while you sleep.
It works in a way where it draws air inside and produces a bio-usable form of energized oxygen. It’s a device that could help the body become more productive and repair else while you sleep. As of the moment, there aren’t a lot of reviews about it yet, that’s why it still needs a lot of clinical trials.

5. Robots to Fight Loneliness

In a hospital setting, loneliness is one of the most common emotions that you can experience, and this isn’t really good at all. It could contribute to various healthcare issues, including stroke.
Miniature robots are now being created to make the patients happy. Designers behind this invention consider this as a small robot that’s friendly, voice-enabled, and many more.

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