Artificial Intelligence: Technology Driving the Concept Of Digital Marketing

Dev & Design

The niche concept of any company’s digital marketing strategy is to create such a good website with content that attracts more and more traffic to the site. But merely gaining a number of visitors won’t gain you any revenue, unless you are a blog site earning money from ads. For the e-commerce businesses this traffic should be converted to the actual sales, only then the concept of digital marketing proves its worth. The digital marketing agency of Melbourne works on the steps of artificial intelligence to enhance the growth of its serving company.

The concept of Artificial Intelligence is not new to the world, people ever since have transformed their marketing tactics to AI in order to stimulate the growth of the company. The digital marketers are making use of technology-driven applications to minimize their hard work. A large amount of data can be stored in one place without the use of any human efforts. The smartness of AI can now assess the needs of the customers and market status on its own.

Social Interaction

The strong and efficient behavioral targeting methods of AI will allow the system to engage with the customers on a personal level. For example, AI can detect when the customer is looking for any information like cybersecurity and then it will allow the system to engage and convert the process to provide assistance to the consumer.

Shopping Assistant

The customers find it really easy to browse for products or services when provided with assistance. This technology has already taken up the market with Siri, Cortana, Alexa and Echo in action. More meaningful AI system will assist the consumers in a better way. Thus, this will help the e-commerce business to spread its market. The voice assistant saves the writing efforts of the user and analysing the search history will provide with relevant product suggestions.

Digital Advertising

The social media platforms like Facebook and Google are already made to use the machine learning language. The artificial intelligence of these systems is used to find such people that will act upon the advertiser’s action. The system of AI analyses the interests of various people to find their target audience. It also outreaches the omnichannel strategy and manages to reach the customer on mobile phone, if he or she visited the site through desktop.


Many companies have started to outreach their customers over the platform of Whatsapp and Messenger. The automated system answers the queries of the customer on it own. One major advantage of these chatbot systems is they are available for the people 24*7. The AI of the chatbots analyses the needs of the customers and provides answer according to it best understanding.

A lot of company and human efforts are saved while taking up the digital marketing of the company to Artificial Intelligence. With time many more innovations are yet to come which will enhance the services of a digital marketing agency in Sydney and many other associations providing the services of marketing.

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