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6 Easy Marketing Tips for Increase Brand Visibility


Branding Services awareness mirrors how much customers or potential customers can perceive or review a brand and accurately connect that brand with a particular product or service. Making brand awareness is one of the key parts in advancing a product or service. Below are the seven tips to enable you...

How Technology Has Penetrated Our Lives


The advancements in technology are so surprising that they leave us thinking “Now, What NEXT?” or “What will be the next IT transformation which will make our lives easier than before?” At every step we walk, we see automation around us. Our smart phone wakes us up in the morning...

Tips for Writing Excellent Anchor Text in Your Blogs


Digital marketing and SEO techniques have evolved over the past couple of years and continue to do so and there are is no sign of this form of digital marketing slowing down. To stay ahead of the digital marketing movement, it’s a great idea to complete a digital marketing course...

4 Ways You Can Use the Internet to Find People


Right now, one of the most popular activities on the web is searching for people using names, cities, contact numbers and even addresses. And well, honestly people usually are successful when they search for their long lost friends and relatives etc using the internet. We are living in the digital...

Five Ways to Keep Remote Employees Engaged


As the internet opens up a more globalized workforce, working from home or otherwise remotely is becoming more attractive. In turn, companies are seeing remote workers as an attractive option for any jobs that can be outsourced. But some businesses are skeptical of some aspects of employing remote workers. With...

3 Steps to Effective Sketchnoting for Business


Visual thinking is on a rise. Businesses not only use diagrams, charts and presentations to visualize data and insights but also put into use some, at first impression, less business-oriented methods such as sketchnoting. Why is it considered to be less business-oriented? The reason is that sketchnoting is a form...

Choose the Best e-Commerce Solution for Joomla Site


E-commerce today is a cut-throat competition. If you want to stay affirm and ahead of your competitors then adopting effective measures timely is the key. E-commerce websites are generally based on a particular type of content management platform say Joomla, WordPress, Magento etc. Any change or technology adoption that an...

benefits of seo

Is Using SEO Enough?


If you have produced any content within the last few years, you know how important it is to use SEO in order to get more traffic to your website and pages. On a daily basis, there are more than a billion searches carried out on the search engines, most of...

6 Challenges Faced By Ar App Developers


Augmented reality refers to the integration of user’s real environment along with the digital information. It is not like VR (virtual reality) which uses completely imaginary surrounding. AR uses the existing environment. It was first used by a scientist in 1990 and now is used by people I devices like...

How AI Can Analyse the Fraud Detection in Credit Card


Fraud detection has been a major issue for financial services and institutions. With the increase in global transactions, the chances of fraud have also increased. But artificial intelligence has an enormous potential to reduce the financial fraud. Artificial intelligence applications have a great potential to detect and prevent the fraud....

3 ways to Digitize Your Library


People spend their entire lives accumulating books in their library, so the value that those books contain is impossible to measure. However, although books are quite durable, they inevitably succumb to environmental factors and start deteriorating sooner or later. The only way to prevent the books from eventually becoming unusable...

Top 10 PHP Frameworks for Web Application Development!


PHP is the most popular server scripting language in the world. It has gone a long way from small static HTML pages, snippets, embedded into code in regards to modern the language in which most modern dynamic sites are developed. However, with the increasing complexity and functionality of modern sites,...

Is this Perfect Time to Become a VR Developer?


Virtual reality (VR) is already booming in industries such as healthcare and education with the enormous growth in gaming. The VR industry is still in its beginning and this is the reason it the perfect time to learn VR development and become htc vive developer. Businesses know that learning VR...

Trick & Tips to Calculate the Costs of Mobile Game Development


The smartphone is becoming the primary source of entertainment, including mobile games. When constrained to straightforward games with low-quality graphics, the mobile games division has today developed to incorporate a tremendous assortment of games. From standard puzzle and shooter games to new age social and multi-player games, the market for...

Most Common SEM Mistakes That You Need To Avoid


The world of SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is a virtual minefield and to succeed in it one must know what SEM Mistakes not to commit more than what to do to run effective campaigns. Making Landing Page Uninteresting Landing page makes the first impression on the prospective customers and it...